Here's the problem

The future of education is through expert centered entrepreneurship. Yet the market hasn't yet caught up to the wisdom economy, resulting in bolt on marketing frameworks sold by marketers that don't allow you to express any originality to the marketplace.

But imagine for a second...

That the ultimate form of leverage to make significantly more money while doing significantly less work, is to align the entire business to you by focussing on your true value, expertise, and wisdom.

The answer

Kollege creates the space for you to be curious about your expertise so you can bring your wisdom to the marketplace in whichever form it will take, tailored to you. We believe that wisdom transcends everything.

How we can help

We want to create more leverage in your life and business by advocating deeply for your expertise. Below are the different containers we have for our expert centered entrepreneurs ranging from solopreneurs, all the way up to publicly traded companies. Come join.


Our founder (Blake La Grange) decided to start a $50,000/year mastermind, but instead of charging, he did it for free. This space is for all entrepreneurs to watch the recordings, engage with other experts, and explore our ecosystem for free.


Incubator is our "Academy of Mastery". Connect with other experts all over the world and learn how to finally create infinite amounts of leverage in your life and business by going deeper into your craft.


Partners is a space for 7-8 figure entrepreneurs who want to collaborate on going deeper into wisdom so that we all can bring our wisdom to the marketplace completely tailored to us. Life long partnerships are made here.